Funny or odd? (July 20th_

It’s been a while since the last Funny or odd, so here are two. I hope you enjoy them.

A Priest, a goat and a crab walk into a bar, the priest looks at the other two and says: “Something smells fishy here.”

The crab says, “Don’t look at me, I’m a crustacean, not a fish!”

What do you call the writer of bad jokes?

A: The author of this blog.

B: A funny pun writer.

C: It’s impossible to say as there are no bad jokes.

You know the drill, let me know your thoughts in the comments below.

Thanks for reading!

Funny or odd? (June 8th)

Here’s tonight’s Funny or odd, I hope you enjoy it:

If you were to float leisurely down a stream filled with molasses, you’d be as slow as molasses.

If A man named Chip was eating a bag of potato chips and broke one, would you say that Chip chipped the chip?



So what do you think? Funny or odd? Let me know your opinion in the comments below.