Funny or odd? (June 8th)

Here’s tonight’s Funny or odd, I hope you enjoy it:

If you were to float leisurely down a stream filled with molasses, you’d be as slow as molasses.

If A man named Chip was eating a bag of potato chips and broke one, would you say that Chip chipped the chip?



So what do you think? Funny or odd? Let me know your opinion in the comments below.

Is it plausible? June 3rd

Is this conspiracy theory plausible? What do you think?

Rumor has it that a rogue comet is attempting to align itself with a rouge middle eastern state in an attempt to force the International Astronomical Union to recognize it as a planet instead of just a comet. Furthermore, high level officials have been reportedly saying (under the condition of autonomy of course) that such an act won’t be tolerated and a line in the sand has been drawn.

Now it’s your turn, is it plausible?

Who said it? (June 2nd)

Can you guess the famous person who said the following quotes? Leave your guesses in the comments. The correct answers will be revealed in the comments late Sunday night or Monday.

“A fool thinks himself to be wise, but a wise man knows himself to be a fool.”

1. William Shakespeare

2. Abraham Lincoln

3.John Paul Jones

“Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I’m not sure about the former.”

1. Mark Twain

2. Albert Einstein

3. Will Rogers

“Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to reform (or pause and reflect).”

1. Theodore Rosevelt

2. William Taft

3. Mark Twain

Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.”

1. Gandhi

2. Aristotle

3. Yogi Berra

“The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.”

1. Plato

2. Aristotle

3. Socrates

I hope you enjoyed these quotes, there are more than normal since I missed this post last weekend. Good luck and have fun!

Is it plausible? (May 27th)

Is this conspiracy theory plausible? Let me know what you think in the comments!

A group of senators are working on a plan to send commandos into South Korea to steal the secret recipe for a famous chef’s Kimchi, which they will in turn sell on the black market to finance a franchise of taco restaurants to help pay for their reelections.

I have recently been informed that a secret group of cats have been employing a number of mad scientists in order to create a giant mouse, which the cats plan to use to conquer the world, it is rumored that the mad scientists are in the process of crossing a mouse with a moose, however my informant admits it might be a mousse that the mouse is being crossed with instead.

It’s double theories for you tonight, I hope you enjoyed them! Let me know your thoughts in the comments below.

Funny or odd? (May 25th)

Are these funny or just odd? It’s a holiday weekend, so you get two to ponder. Let me know your thoughts in the comments.

Rumor has it that a famous chef is trying to start a new restaurant chain that will only sell food that Egyptian Pharos would have eaten, further rumors say that the chef is seeking to build specially designed buildings to house the restaurants, some say that the whole thing is nothing but a pyramid scheme.

If a small asteroid were to hit a cattle ranch, could you say that the meteor got meatier?

Now it’s your turn, were these funny or just odd? Thanks for reading and commenting.

Is it Plausible? May 20st

Does this sound plausible? Let me know in the comments.

A Romanian army unit has been created that uses cabbage rolls as ammunition instead of bullets, the idea is that all they have to do is get their enemies hooked on their food and they will never lose a battle.

There are rumors that a delivery system for soups and sausages is in the works.

Is this even slightly plausible? I hoped you enjoyed tonight’s conspiracy theory!

Who said it? (May 19th)

It’s time for Who Said It? You know how it works, guess who said the following quotes and tell me in the comments below. Answers will be posted on Monday if no one guesses correctly. In honor of the Preakness, here are some horse related quotes.

It is not best that we should all think alike; it is a difference of opinion that makes horse races.

A. Mark Twain

B. Winston Churchill

C. Groucho Marx

A difference of opinion is what makes horse racing and missionaries.

A. Mark Twain

B. Groucho Mark

C. Will Rogers

I can make a General in five minutes but a good horse is hard to replace

A. Tomas Jefferson

B. Abraham Lincoln

C. George Washington

Good luck!

Is it plausible? May 13th

It’s time for this week’s conspiracy theory!

A mad scientist is in talks with several world leaders to create a combination of pizza and a doughnut so delicious that no one can refuse it, it will then be licensed to one government controlled company that will use it in a plot for world domination.

Is this plausible? You tell me.